Sunday, September 30, 2012

If I die today...

You know, I have never really felt the seriousness of my illness, tho I was told I might not live more than five years.
 All those years I spent behind four walls, binging and purging, shitting and hating myself, but I  never believed I have a serious issue. I always believed there are people out there suffering much more than me. yah, they are, and they do suffer much more than I do, but the thing is "I SUFFER"!
Also once I was finally diagnosed for eating disorders, I though my condition isnt that bad and there are people out there dealing with even strobger bulimia. Things like this dont happen to average people like myself. noup.
I remember when I searched online about bulimia I came across one link on youtube. there was a lady talking about her experiance and she said: "I lost everything. i lost my hair, my teeth, my job, my houbant and eventually I lost my kids. Get help, you cant beat bulimia on your own!!"
I thouth to myself...what a poor woman, but I dont have such strong bulimia.
Then I finally fot help and after few hours with psychiatrist she said: "you reached the edge of bulimia. it cant get worse, next stage is death! your body is shutting down, there is no one bit of your body in a good condition."
I remember calling my mom after being diagnosed telling her: "they said something like my bulimia is fully developed and my body is shutting down!"
I really didnt know what they are saying, but today, after 16 months of rehab, when I sit here much healtier, I think to myself, how nice it feels to be painfree!! I never knew before, because that was the only way of life I knew. pain pain pain, ache ache ache! I didnt know how it feels to not have a kydney infection for more than three months, now is already my six motnth without any infection. 
Today, when i get to think more sober and when I think about my family, i get very scared. will I be able to have kids? doctors say not really, because of my cancer past and because of the damage bulimia did to my body. they say I will be able to get pregnanat but I will struggle loads to keep the baby.
but I cant think this way. they might br right but it also might be everything ok.
but what I am trying to say is: at this stage of life I really wish I was healthy!
I am happy the way I am and I dont think I will die in four years, I believe I am doing good. 
I am waking up, feeling things, understadnig things. feeling love. being loved and giving love. I appreciate things more. I have blessed job and some of the most maazing friends in my life.
there is another side of this goes like this:
I have some of the most amazing friends in my life, but i dont trust anyone at this point. I appreciate things more, but still dont appreciate myself. I have blessed job, but (there is no but, job is brilliant), I am loved and I give love, but there is so many sleeples nigths doubting and  not loving myself. I am waking up, but part of me is still in a deep sleep. I am feeling things, yah, I do, and I am also feeling shit from some people. I understand things now, yes I really do, but I also understand there are some people not more than jerks. and they are still in my life.
so non of it (apart from job) is more than good, but you know what: If I die today, I'd die happy!!!!!


  1. Lepo te je spet brati in očitno je tudi razpoloženje boljše! Super! :) Lep vikend ti želim!

  2. yah emotionally I am very tired!!! spet mam hude nocne more but dealing with it well.
    vse je lazi, odkar sm mal bols tut lepo je tebe slisat. kako pa se ti drzis?xx

  3. Kaj nej rečem - may I join the club? Naporen teden... glede na to, kolko enih "čustvenih nihanj" me je metalo, si lahko res samo čestitam, da nisem spet podlegla kakšnemu kiksu. Res je "kriza" - prej, ko sem v bistvu vsako stvar bla navajena "potlačit" s hrano (in bruhanjem), se je življenje kljub stalni utrujenosti zdelo precej lažje. Si slabe volje? No problem, take a chocolate and you'll feel better at once... Zdej pa se skušam in moram soočit z golo realnostjo BREZ izhoda v sili. Noro naporno! Občasno mam kr nekakšne napade "tesnobe", česar prej sploh nisem poznala. Ogromno čustev prihaja na dan in jz se dostikrat sploh ne znam soočit z njimi. Upam samo, da bom imela dovolj energije in volje, da vztrajam v bitki. Imam občutek, da bo dolga in težka... In ti moram še enkrat rečt hvala - hvala, da imam nekoga, ki mi daje upanje!

  4. haa, lets blame full moon!!! I think its a full moon effect!! :D
    but it sounds like you are doing fantastic!!! ves kolk sm vesela zate, da se zavedas, da mors it v svoje obcutke. ja, svinsko tesko je, najtezja stvar (vsaj zame). spoznas stvari, k jihj nocs vedt!! ampak tko ko sm enkrat napisala: pain doesnt come out to ruin our good mood but to be held and let go.
    custva te bodo preplavla, samo pazi, da si nekje na varnem, ko jih puscas na povrsje :) je pa neverjetno kaj vse se dogaja v nasem telesu, tko da se prepusti uzitkom zdravljenja lol se splaca. life gets new colors. mislim nate in se enkrat, zelo sem vesela in ponosna. vem kako tesko je. kozlanje na sekretu in naziranje je v primerjavi s spopadanjem s custvi piece of cake! there is always hope!x

  5. Haha ja polna luna (ali mlaj ;) je VEDNO dober izgovor :))
    Ja... kakor sem že rekla - res mam občutek da je po vseh tistih "miljon" neuspelih poskusih, ko sem si rekla: "no ZDEJ bo pa RES drugače!", TOKRAT RES drugače. Vsega skupej sem se lotila bolj globoko in celostno. Prej sem vedno mislila, da če uspem uredit prehrano (= grem na dieto), bo to TO. Niti razmišljala nisem o kakšnih čustvih pa ZAKAJ si to delam. Pri tem koraku mi je tudi tvoj blog ogromno pomagal, da me je usmeril na novo pot in mi odprl nov pogled. Ponovno - hvala! In nimam kej - if I wanna get better I have to dig deep... face the pain... and let go. I WANNA see colors again!!!

  6. love you*** just me...being myself for a minute :)

  7. :) Isnt that a fantastic and strong feeling?? I love it when I am myself and not hating it! :D thank you for your comment. keep safe and keep the hope up!!! xo
