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I feel I am broken a bit.
Week was difficult.
So many challenges shook my confidence and my spirit.
I am feeling incomplete.
Havent slept any good and I can hear the voice in my head: "dear, please, take time for mental and spiritual recovery this weekend. go to the woods, be alone. Go look for yourself. Your soul is sad and it needs you!"
Sleepless night
In the morning, I still felt pretty down.
I recognize someone else inside, it is me. The friend of mine. Trying to help me. Trying to be there for me.
I dont know how to come intouch with that friend. I only feel it and I only know its there, but so far all the tries to hold his hand were not successful.
I struggle.
It is dofferent from all the times before. I really feel different, but still I dont know what to do.
Maybe sleep some more for the biginning?
That could help.
I am thinking lots about my bulimia and about my self hate, about my disrecpetful attitude towards my own self. I am so tough on myself. I dont know where is the line where I can say: "its ok, thats normal you act this way!" I am aming for some perfection again. At the end of the day it is always: "you could have done it better!"
I feel guilty for not giving all of myself to the kids this week, I have been so sick I couldnt, but at the end, I struggle with accepting my good deeds. I dont see them. I feel guilty for whining to my boyfriend last two days. He tells me everything is ok and I didnt cross any line, but how come I dont know that? There is a voice in my head saying: "you shpuld have done it better. You should of have tried harder!"
I am left with that unpleasant feeling of guilt, wondering: "Why I didnt try harder?"
I cant understand myself this week. I know the facts such as I have been sick and I havent slept enough, but those facts are not enough.
Who is talking trough my mind?
I am trying now to let myself make mistakes, let myself fail, let myself not be perfect...but I am here again, feeling guilty for not being perfect.
It is not devastating guilt and I keep on going, but it doesnt let me relex and doesnt let me see the good in my deeds.
I only think of what I did wrong. I am so tired. Emotionaly tired.
I feel like I need to close myself to the dark and quite room for a while.
There are still things I dont understand.
This week I skipped my therapy since I was sick, and I can tell its missing. I have so many questions unanswered and so many emotions unexplained.
I know the theory and I know some of the facts, but it seems like there is an invisble wall between my feelings and reality.
Tho I am trying to reache it so bad, I end up failing.
I promised myself I will dedicate this two days to recover from those negative emotions so I dont wanna go to my parents place.
It makes me sad when I feel weak just to think about not going but they want me to come. My mom asked me on Monday when I am coming I told her I dont know its only Monday but for sure not on friday. period. i didnt wanna explain anything. simply: I am not coming before saturday for sure.
she totally changed her voice and with the disappointed voice and reproachfully voice she said: "oh really. why? do you have any plans?" I told her: "yes, I am going horse back riding.!" she said: "oh really, ok bye!" and she just hung up.
she left me with that feeling of guilt of course tho I could clearly see what is their part of my illness.
Few weeks ago I came up their place earlier afternoon on saturday and she said: "good girl!" if I wouldnt come that early I would be a bad girl???? thats how they treat me.
I understand the whole family situation now and I know I can be as healthy as hell but there will always be in their power to bring me down in any time.
but this weekend I really really really need to heal my spirit up.
I need to protect myself.
I know I will go so down if I go to their place and I really cant affort this.
I am mentally and spritually not strong enough at this point to face them. to face their critsizm, their love, their anything.
I keep listening gto Tracy Chapman and she is so inspiring. She again reminded me about my artist in me. So I decited to keep taking care of him. I mean him and I have been very close lately but I am not sure I am aware much that this artist is ME. this is my advantage over others. This is who I am.
And this is who I lost this week.
So I am taking my artist for a date today.
I dont know if am doing right oor wrong. I havent took much time to ask myself about my emotions, abou what I really want, I havent placed those emotions and actions in the right time: past or present. So everything just flew over me kind of.
My apartment is a mess, doesnt feel like home, but I am cleaning up now.
Everything for my spritually and mental recovery.
When my life gets hard, and when I am my own self's best friend, there is one special song that I actually dedicate to myself, to me as a friend. I want to share it with you all, who struggle with eating dissoreds.
It saved my life so many times in so many ways.
When I hit the ground so hard I wouldnt brreathe, I am sure you know how it feels when you cant breathebecause your bulimia doesnt let you breathe, or because yur mouth are full of food and you cant breathe or your mouth are full of vomit and you cant breathe. or maybe, you cry so hard you cant breathe. The song never worked when I was very very sick, but as I have been befriending with myself, and as i wanted to be there for myself, i found a song and use it when life hurts.
When it hurts so much you could die, big worries take over your mind, but in that point the only important thing is: to breathe. To take another breath. As long as we are breathing, we are alive!
Heal yourself.
You have a power.
Ask yourself what does it have to say and help yourself.
Heal yourself.
Help yourself!
Drži se! Očitno je bil nasploh tole en težek teden. Tudi moje počutje in psiha sta bila že od torka zvečer popolnoma na nuli in včeraj zvečer sem po več kot šestih tednih "upiranja" nemočno podlegla "bolnemu ritualu"... Psihično sem danes seveda zato popolnoma na tleh, vendar... poskušam analizirati, ZAKAJ je do tega prišlo in se borim naprej. Ne smem si dopustiti, da se začaran krog spet sklene. Poskrbi za sebe in ne misli sedaj na druge. Sama veš, da si v tvoji zgodbi TI najbolj pomembna. Pa tudi lepši dnevi spet pridejo... Ni lepih brez slabih! So - chin up and fight! :)
ReplyDeletewow honey, 6 weeks!!!! cestiiiitam!!!! razumi "padec nazaj" kot novo sporocilo tvoje bulimije, da si neki spregledala in neki pozabla. mogoce si pozabla se imet rada in razumet svoje obcutke, ce je biu tut zate teden naporen. jst upam, da se energija kmalu sprosti, ker mi tole ni nic vsec! keep the fight, go deep, uderstand, let go!! x
ReplyDeleteHvala:) Čeprav so bili tile tedni bolj kaplja v morje glede na dolgo mračno preteklost, vseeno dajejo žarek upanja. In sem še daleč od tega, da bi bila na tvojem "nivoju". Moram pa reči, da me je tale "padec nazaj" včeraj spet malo streznil. Mogoče sem tale zadnji teden res premalo razmišljala o sebi in spet zapadla v neko rutino... kar ni ok - dejansko moram konstantno in zavestno delat na tem, KAJ in ZAKAJ v določeni situaciji nekaj čutim in kako to vpliva name. Precej težko izvedljivo, ko si razpet med službo, obveznostmi doma in nekim kvazi socialnim življenjem. Ampak tale pot je samo moja in moram jo prehoditi... v končni fazi zato, da se izboljša kvaliteta mojega življenja in tudi zato, da bo potem mojim bližnjim lažje. Ja, upajmo, da bo prihodnji teden nekoliko manj napet. Tega bi si res iz srca želela, za naju obe. Drži se xx
ReplyDeletene ne ne!ne govori tega. to pa res ni kaplja v morje!!! pol ce jst zdj ne kozlam sedem/osem mescou je to glede na to, da sm kozlala 13 let kaplja v morje?? ne! si rekla, da mi gre dobro!! torej!!! pomisli tkole se zase!! odlocno ti gre!! 6 tednvou je bozansko veliko vredno!!
ReplyDeleteja je pa skoz skoz skoz treba delat na seb, sploh ne mores pocitvat, cim pocivas, kozlas/se sovrazis....vem! ampak vsak rabi pocitek! tko da glavo gor, odlicno ti gre. v vsakem trenutku mors vedt kje si in kdo si, kaj cutis....tesko je, ampak thats what u gotta do if u wanna live!!!xo
Sej vem... vsaka še tako dolga pot se začne s prvim korakom. Potem pa važno, da hodiš, tudi če so koraki še tako majhni... Tako dolgo biti "pridna" mi dejansko ni uspelo že dooolgo dolgo, tako da sem nekje globoko v sebi tudi ponosna nase. In pa ja - imaš prav, da je treba resnično STALNO delat na sebi - neka ležernost in rutina pod razno ne prideta v poštev, ker te drugače takoj lahko potegne nazaj tja, kamor se res nočeš (več) vrniti. Je pa kar kruto, ko spoznaš, da sčasoma pravzaprav vse skupaj ni nič kaj dosti lažje (vsaj meni se zdi, da se moram enako močno boriti vsak dan, da ne podležem) in še kako mi je trenutno blizu tista misel: It doesn't get easier - just you get stronger. Tako da - na moči bo treba delat. Ne bo šlo drugače... Drži se xx
ReplyDeleteja, constant fight!! mislt na sebe skoz!!!! in vec ko misls nase, vec ko se posvetis sebi, raje se mas!! obrodi sadove, zazivis! konckoncou si samo ti pomemben. at the end of the day, you fall asleep alone! delat na seb skoz!! dopustit si napake sicer, bit fleksibilen in ne zahtlevat od sebe nemogocih stvari!!! pridobit spostovanje do sebe, in to lahko samo tko, da si skoz v stiku s sabo, se sprasujes, kaj pa ti hoces? kaj pa bi ti nardila? kaj pa ti cutis? zakaj pa tko cutis? sej se slisi ko da ves kaj delas, tko da sm ful vesela zate res!! in ja, bit ponosna nase!! jst sicer tega obcutka se nisem srecala, ampak bojda pride!! razumet vsako minuto posebi. razumet zalost, jezo, lubosumje, sploh te negativne filinge je treba lepo umestit na pravo mesto!! je tesko, ampak ni nemogoce. in ja, bulimija rehab je vse o tem: "it doesnt get easier, just you get stronger!" zivljenje gre naprej, se vedno srecujes enake situacije in se vedno te zivljenje vcasih po glavi uzge, ampak en dan se zbudis in odreagiras drugace!! delat na seb je tesko, ampak je pa blessing!!! vse kar se od te tocke naprej naucis, je tvoja zasluga!!! pa cimvec govori o tem! bom misla nate in bom vesela, ce se se kj oglasis!x drzi se.